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Join DPCF for our meeting at FDP’s Leadership Blue:

“Modern Monetary Theory: Paying for the Progressive Revolution”


Join Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida at Florida Democratic Party‘s annual Leadership Blue 2019 for our presentation “Modern Monetary Theory: Paying for the Progressive Revolution!”


On Saturday, June 8 (time to be announced), the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida will host a meeting and presentation during the Florida Democratic Party’s Leadership Blue Conference. The Conference will be held in Orlando, FL at the Disney Yacht Club (room location to be announced). Join us for this free event as we learn about Modern Monetary Theory and paying for the progressive revolution!

Social Security Expansion, Medicare for All, Free College, a Job Guarantee and a Green New Deal—The Democratic Party’s progressive policy agenda is bigger and bolder than ever. To make this progressive revolution a reality, however, Democrats need an equally visionary response to the dismissive question raised by naysayers: “But how are you going to pay for it?”

The answer, says professor Scott Ferguson, lies in Modern Monetary (MMT), an increasingly influential alternative to the mainstream trickle-down economics that have ruled American politics for forty years.

While mainstream economists insist money is a scarce resource that belongs primarily to private corporations and Wall Street, MMT shows that the U.S. dollar is a public and surprisingly elastic utility. For this reason, the federal government can enact any policy program it chooses without requisite tax hikes or “pay fors,” so long as such policies are technically and materially feasible. In his presentation, professor Ferguson explains how Democrats can reclaim the public purse for our communities and planet and, with this, take hold of public power.

Saturday, June 8
Time TBA
Disney’s Yacht Club in Orlando, FL
Free and open to all Democrats
Will be livestreamed on our Facebook page

* For a short introduction to MMT, see Stephanie Kelton, “Congress can give every American a pony (if it breeds enough ponies),” The Los Angeles Times, September 28, 2017. For a more extensive introduction, see Dylan Matthews, “Modern Monetary Theory, Explained,” Vox, April 16, 2019.

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida is an official charter of the Florida Democratic Party.

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