DPCF Bylaws Revised 7/17/2021



The name of this organization shall be THE DEMOCRATIC PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS OF FLORIDA



The purpose of this organization shall be to strengthen and maintain a relationship between the  progressive community and the Democratic Party. The Caucus will build on the foundation of the  progressive history of the Democratic Party to promote the continued development and growth of core  progressive ideas and principles within the Democratic Party. 



Registered Florida Democrats supportive of the objectives of this caucus shall be eligible for voting  membership. No other residency restriction may be placed upon membership or the privileges of  membership in this caucus. Officers and directors shall be required to execute the Loyalty Oath in the  form included in the Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party.



Annual dues and levels of membership shall be determined by the Democratic Progressive Caucus of  Florida Board of Directors and are payable to the treasurer upon joining; and, thereafter, in advance on  or before December 31 of each year for the ensuing year. Dues paid between October 1 and December  31, by new members shall be deemed to be for the current and the ensuing year. Those members who  do not pay to renew their membership by March 15 of the ensuing year will be placed on “inactive”  status. The voting privileges of members placed on “inactive” status will be suspended until the dues  are paid, provided the individual was a voting member during the previous calendar year. 



Section 1. The officers of this caucus shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and  other such officers as deemed necessary by the membership. Officers shall perform the duties  prescribed by these bylaws.

Section 2. All terms of office shall be for two year(s). Officers shall be eligible to serve for more than  one term in the same office. 

Section 3.

Whenever the president, vice president, or treasurer of the caucus is seeking the  Democratic nomination for a partisan public office or is seeking the nomination for a non-partisan public  office, he or she shall take a leave of absence from their caucus office commencing at the time of  opening a campaign account and extending for the duration of the campaign for that public office. The  vacancy created shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the interim period. Other officers and  elected members of the Board of Directors may be asked by the Board to take a leave of absence when seeking nomination for a public office if the Board finds that the officer or director is unable to fulfill his  or her duties because of the campaign or finds that a conflict of interest exists because of the campaign. 



Section 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the caucus and Board of Directors, of which  the president is automatically chairman; shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the  Nominating Committee; shall appoint all the Standing and Special Committees and their chairmen; shall  represent the caucus at county, district and state functions; shall give guidance to the committee  chairpersons in their work and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of the president. 

Section 2. The vice president shall render all possible assistance to the president in matters  pertaining to the caucus, and shall assume the office in the absence of, or inability of, the president to  serve. 

Section 3. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the caucus and Board of  Directors; shall maintain a current list of members with addresses, phone numbers and email addresses;  and shall have a copy of the caucus bylaws with any amendments properly recorded. Any secretarial  duties may be delegated, as a procedural matter, to staff or another Board of Directors member. 

Section 4. The treasurer shall receive all monies of the caucus; shall keep an accurate record of  receipts and expenditures; shall present a statement of all income and all expenditures at each meeting  occurring since the previous meeting of the caucus, and at other times when requested by the Board of  Directors; and shall pay out funds only as authorized by the Board. Books of the treasurer shall be  audited by the Budget and Finance Committee at each stated meeting; checks shall be signed by either  the treasurer or the president. 

Section 5. The creation of additional officers shall be undertaken in the bylaws at the time when  they are adopted or amended.



Section 1. The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida shall meet at least annually in the first  quarter of the year, unless otherwise ordered by the caucus or by the board of directors. 

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president or a majority of the board of directors,  with seven (7) days’ notice to the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. 

Section 3. Twenty percent (20%) of the total membership shall constitute a quorum for the  transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. A majority vote is required to carry motions.

Section 4. All meetings shall be in a facility accessible to the physically disabled. The Board of  Directors may approve and adopt procedures to hold caucus meetings by remote conference, as may be  required to efficiently conduct its business.

Section 5. All meetings must be noticed a minimum of seven (7) days before the meeting is to take  place. The notice may be electronic and must contain the date, time, location and the primary reason for  meeting.



Section 1There shall be a Board of Directors composed of the elected officers, the Parliamentarian,  and a minimum of seven (7) elected directors. The immediate past President shall be a non-voting  advisory member of the Board for a maximum of one cycle and given the title President Emeritus. Each  Board member shall have one vote irrespective of the number of Board positions he or she may hold at  that time.  

Section 2. The election of directors shall be held every two years at the annual meeting, as hereinafter defined.

Section 3. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to plan each meeting so as to be organized, to transact business of the caucus in regular or special sessions, and to make recommendations to the caucus. No act of the board shall conflict with action taken by the caucus.

Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least quarterly, or at the request of the president, or at the request of three members of the board of directors, and may be held by conference call or in person. 

Section 5. Thirty percent (30%) of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6. Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire membership of the caucus at any regular or special meeting after seven (7) days’ notice to the membership that a motion for the purpose of removal of said member will be considered at the regular or special meeting.  The removal may be for cause including, but not limited to, the following:  malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, incompetence, permanent inability to perform official duties, and conviction of a felony.

Section 7. In the event a Board member accumulates 40% or more unexcused absences in a calendar year, the position occupied by that Board Member will automatically be declared vacant and be filled in accordance with the provisions set forth in other sections of these Bylaws.



Section 1. Officers shall be elected every two years at the annual meeting held in the first quarter of odd-numbered years, (with the exception of the charter year). In the event scheduling conflicts prevent holding the annual meeting in the first quarter, it may be held as soon after the end of the first quarter as reasonably feasible. 

Section 2. The president, as chairman, shall appoint a Nominating Committee as early as feasible in the final quarter of the year preceding the biennial election. This committee shall be composed of three (3) members who shall be appointed by the president.  This committee shall present a minimum of one candidate for each elective office at the annual meeting.  Additional nominations from the floor shall be in order at that time. 

Section 3. With the exception of the organizational meeting in the charter year, there shall be a forty-five (45) day membership requirement prior to a member being eligible to run for officer or director, or being permitted to vote in Caucus elections, or to vote for amendments/changes to the caucus bylaws or platform.

Section 4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the president, the vice president shall become president.  Other vacancies occurring with less than 6 months remaining in the term shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the Board for the duration of the unexpired term. In all other instances, vacancies shall be filled by the caucus at a regular or special meeting

Section 5. Voting for officers and directors must be by secret ballot.  

Section 6. Proxies and absentee voting are prohibited.

Section 7. Voting on motions or matters presented to the Caucus may take place by electronic voting or telephonic voting as may be specified in Procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.



Section 1.

The following standing committees shall report to the Board of Directors. Chairs of the  Standing Committees shall be appointed by the president at the beginning of each Calendar year or  following the annual meeting.  

  • Budget and Finance,  
  • Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures  
  • Campaigns,  
  • Membership,  
  • Communications,  
  • Development/Fundraising,  
  • Legislative  
  • Platform Committee

Section 2. Duties of the Standing Committees:

  1. The Budget and Finance Committee shall review the financial records of the caucus and ensure that accurate financial records are kept for the caucus. The committee shall prepare a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and submit it to the Board of Directors of the caucus for adoption at its final meeting of the preceding calendar year. In odd-numbered years when officers and board members are elected at the annual meeting, the incoming Board of Directors may review and amend the budget as needed.
  2. The Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee shall recommend such changes to the Bylaws as may appear necessary and feasible and draft policies and procedures as requested by the Board of Directors.  
  3. The Campaigns Committee shall implement and lead the DPCF endorsement process and work  with the Florida Democratic Party toward the election of Democratic candidate nominees for the  area covered by this caucus, including county, state, and national candidates.
  4. The Membership Committee shall ascertain that all persons wishing to be members are, in fact, registered Florida Democrats, and organize and assist on membership campaigns.  
  5. The Communications Committee shall see that all activities, including meetings, are advertised through the appropriate media.  The committee is responsible for the caucus’ online presence. 
  6. The Development/Fundraising Committee shall identify methods to raise funds and shall coordinate all fundraising activities.
  7. The Legislative Committee shall monitor pending legislation before the Florida Legislature, keep the Board of Directors informed and recommend actions to be taken by the caucus on issues of importance at all levels of government. 
  8. The responsibilities of the Standing Committees, may be modified, expanded, and/or re-assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors as the need arises and circumstances require.



The caucus hereby adopts and shall enforce the following anti-discrimination provisions:

Section 1. No Democratic Loyalty Oath shall be used which has the effect of requiring members of the Democratic Party to condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, age, religion, economic status, ethnic identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

Section 2. The time and place for all general membership public meetings of Democratic Party caucuses should be publicized fully in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons, and should be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, religion, economic status, ethnic identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

Section 3. In order to fully and adequately inform prospective and current members of a full description of the legal, practical, and pertinent procedures for selection of all Democratic caucus representatives and officers, the caucus should publicize such procedures fully in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested Democrats in time for them to have adequate opportunity to participate. 



These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at a regular or special meeting pursuant to notification to the membership in writing at least (seven) 7 days prior to the meeting.  Bylaws and any changes or amendments are subject to and shall be submitted for approval by the Florida Democratic Party Committee on Clubs, Organizations, and Caucuses; together with copies of the minutes of the meeting at which these amendments were adopted.



The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the caucus in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and the rules of the Florida Democratic Party and Democratic National Committee.



Section 1. Charter Re-certification: In July of each odd-numbered year, State Caucuses should apply to the State Party for a Certificate of Compliance.  Failure to do so shall result in the forfeiture of all rights and privileges of the use of the word Democrat, Democratic, or derivative thereof.

Section 2. Dissolution: In the event this caucus wishes to dissolve, a resolution stating the date of dissolution and the reasons for same shall be adopted by a majority vote of the caucus after being submitted in writing at the previous meeting.  When the caucus disbands for any reason, the caucus’ assets and funds, after all debts are satisfied, shall become the property of the Florida Democratic Party.

Section 3. Grievances: Pursuant to Article VI of the Florida Democratic Party Bylaws, disputes and grievances for statewide caucuses should be submitted to the State Party for resolution. 



The Caucus may charter as many chapters as it deems necessary to carry out its purpose throughout the state of Florida.


The purpose of chapters shall be the same as this Caucus, which is to strengthen and maintain a relationship between the progressive community and the Democratic Party, and to promote the continued development and growth of core progressive ideas and principles within the Democratic Party. The Chapter will support and promote the Caucus platform. The Caucus may charter local chapters for the purpose of carrying out this purpose and they shall exist solely for that reason.


Five (5) or more members in good standing of the State Caucus may apply for a local chapter charter provided that they:

  1. Obtain and fully complete an application provided by the Caucus.
  2. Pledge to abide by the Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, the Florida Statutes and any other policies and procedures adopted by the Caucus from time to time. Failure to abide by the provisions of any one of these governing documents or the policies and procedures of the Caucus may result in suspension or revocation of the chapter’s charter by the Caucus.


  1. Each chapter shall have a minimum of ten (10) members–five (5) members in good standing of the State caucus plus a minimum of five (5) additional members in good standing of the local chapter. A member in good standing is one whose State and/or local chapter dues have been paid and are up to date.
  2. The charter of any chapter which falls below the number of members set forth in Section 3(A) shall be suspended until the requirements of Section 3(A) have been met. Upon application and in appropriate circumstances the Board of Directors may grant a hardship exception to this Section.



  1. Chapter Finances. Chapter finances are to be kept separate and independent of state Caucus finances.
  2. Policies and Procedures. The Board of the Caucus may from time to time adopt additional policies and procedures governing local chapters, which shall be provided to applicants for local chapters in the application package or at the time of their adoption to existing local chapters.
  3. Required Leave of Absence. Whenever the president, vice president, or treasurer of the chapter is seeking the Democratic nomination for a partisan public office or is seeking the nomination for a non-partisan public office, he or she shall take a leave of absence from their chapter office commencing at the time of opening a campaign account and extending for the duration of the campaign for that public office. The vacancy created shall be filled by the chapter’s Board of Directors for the interim period. Other officers and elected members of the Board of Directors may be asked by the Board of the State Caucus to take a leave of absence when seeking nomination for a public office if the Board finds that the officer or director is unable to fulfill his or her duties because of the campaign or finds that a conflict of interest exists because of the campaign.
  4. Approval of Chapter Bylaws Amendments. Caucus chapters shall submit any changes in their bylaws within thirty (30) days of such amendment to the State caucus Bylaws Committee for its review and approval. Chapter bylaw amendments not approved by the Committee shall be referred to the Board with a recommendation for action. The decision of the Board shall be final.



  1. The State Caucus reserves the exclusive right to endorse Democratic candidates in state and federal elections once the qualifying period has ended.  After the qualifying period has ended for a local race, local chapters may endorse in that local race only after the proposed endorsement has been reviewed and approved by the State Caucus’ Campaigns Committee. The Board, in coordination with the Campaigns and Legislative Committees shall develop and adopt endorsement policies and procedures for both the State Caucus and the local chapters.